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Note: Video may display a previous version of the software. See article below for more recent images.

Teachers can sign into the PBIS Rewards Smartphone Staff App by searching for their school and then using their email address and password or by “Remote Authorization.”

If your school is using single sign-on through Clever or ClassLink, your staff will use the “Remote Authorization” feature.

Once signed into the PBIS Rewards Web Portal:

  1. Choose “Login Auth Codes” from the left side main menu.
  2. You will select the button that says “Staff.”
  3. Use the plus to create a new code.
  4. Select the green plus and select “Authorize Myself” and then “Generate Code.”
    • An Admin will be able to create a code for any staff member.
    • A staff member will be able to create a code for their own use.
    • This is a one-time use code that must be entered within 4 hours.
Auth Code

Next, download and install the PBIS Rewards Smartphone Staff App from the App Store or Play Store.

  1. Choose “I Have an Authorization Code.”
  2. Enter the code.
  3. Select “Submit” to enter the app.
Enter Code

Article: Login – Web Portal

Article: Login – Web Portal

Feeling Overwhelmed Video

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with knowing exactly where to start with PBIS Rewards? Well, have no fear. Have less stress and more success by focusing on logging in, rewarding, and one method of redeeming with PBIS Rewards.