
icon for Release 9.1 (2-28-2022) Release 9.1 (2-28-2022)

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  4. Release 9.1 (2-28-2022)

This release is focused on helping schools add photos to students and groups as well as the ability to limit Student Self SEL checks to specific hours. It is scheduled to go into production on Feb. 28th, 2020.

Must See Information:

Schools can now limit student Self SEL Checks to certain hours.

Student SEL Self Check hours

A photo can be added to a group card to easily recognize the appropriate class or to use as a incentive in your store.

add image to group card
Add a photo to the group card from the group edit page on the web portal.
house group images added to group cards
Use the photo to easily identify a class or house group.

Student photos can be added from the groups page on the staff mobile app or web portal.

add student image from group page on the mobile app
Add student photos from the staff app from the group page under the settings icon.
add student image from the group edit page on the web portal
Add student photos from the group page on the web portal from the group edit page.

All The Other Stuff:

-the Student Page can be filtered by My/Favorite group

Group filter on the Students page

-store owners can set staff purchase defaults to redeem now or redeem later

Set store purchase default

-updated Staff Permissions tab to include user type

Set user type in Staff Permissions

-added District Star Report

-added Ethnicity and Gender info to Custom Intervention and SEL by Students Reports via CSV

-added Parent App Installed column to the Parent Link CSV

-updated filters on the Staff Page

-updated EOY reports to match added reports

-added school name to EOY emails

-schools can now change their name on the LW

-adjusted Points by Group Report to actually reflect points given in a group

-test student has been removed from the SEL by Student Reports

-store screen extended on the group page to indicate scrolling

Article: Release 9.2 – 9.3 (4-25-2022)

Article: December 2024 Release

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Feeling Overwhelmed?

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