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Reports: Staff Note: Video may display a previous version of the software. See article below for more recent images.

My Reports gives you access to information about your progress in rewarding points and referral activity.  The reports include:

  1. Daily Points Goal – this graph shows the progress made with your daily point goal in the last 5 school days.
  2. Points by Expectation – this graph shows the point distribution, of the entire school, in terms of school-wide expectations.
  3. Major Referrals by Problem Behavior – this graph highlights the problem behaviors that are being identified with major referrals for the entire school.
  4. Additional Reports:
    • Points Awarded to Student – allows you to view point summaries or point details for the students that you have awarded points.
    • Daily Points Goal Student – shows the progress of student daily point goals for the students you have in a group/class.
    • Points Awarded by Group – allows you to compare point totals for groups you own/favorited groups. 
    • Points by House – shows points awarded to the house avatar, students in the house, or both.
    • Points vs. Referrals – compares the rate of referrals and rewarding points per month.
    • Referrals by Student – allows you to view referral data for the students that you have issued a minor or major referral.
    • Minor Referrals by Problem Behavior – shows the percentage of minor problem behaviors that you have issued during a given time frame.
    • Store Inventory – shows the inventory of items in various stores along with how many times items have been sold.
    • Redeem & Approval Queue – shows items in the school store or my store that need to be approved (student purchase) or redeemed (purchased and approved but not yet used).
    • Items Purchased – shows the purchases that students have made from the school store, your my store or any public stores.
    • Offline Reports – houses previously generated reports with large amounts of data.

Article: Reports – Admin

Article: Reports – Admin

Feeling Overwhelmed Video

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with knowing exactly where to start with PBIS Rewards? Well, have no fear. Have less stress and more success by focusing on logging in, rewarding, and one method of redeeming with PBIS Rewards.