At type in your email address (do not use the autofill). Make sure the e-mail address you are using is the e-mail address your school administrator has used to identify you within PBIS Rewards and type in your most recent password and hit “Sign In”.
If your username or password is automatically populating in either field and you are experiencing login issues, remove any saved information from your chosen browser or try using a different browser.
NOTE: Users will be logged out after 4 hours of inactivity.
If your school uses ClassLink or Clever, try these two options.
- Sign into Clever or ClassLink first and then select PBIS Rewards.
- If that does not work, go to, select “More Options” and then select the Clever or ClassLink button.
App Login
Staff: teachers, administrators, and other school employees, Students and Parents and legal guardians.
FAQ: I have changed schools within my district, how do I update my PBIS Rewards account to reflect my new school?
- If you use Clever or ClassLink SSO to login – please contact your District IT to ensure that they have your account shared to the correct school within Clever or ClassLink.
- If you login directly through – please contact a PBIS Rewards Admin at your new school site to have your account manually added to PBIS Rewards.