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SEL/Status Check: Admin Setup Note: Video may display a previous version of the software. See article below for more recent images.

SEL/Status Check Settings

Student Self SEL/Status Check and Notifications


Important: If you would prefer to have the feature named Status check (instead of SEL check), you can change that in the School Information section of “Settings.” Select “Settings” and  “School Information” will be the information displayed. Select “Status Check” from the “Check Name” drop-down and then save the change.

SEL/Status Check Settings

Staff members with Admin permissions can customize the different SEL/Status Check titles, colors, and emojis from the Settings page under the “SEL/Status Check” tab.

  1. Navigate to Settings and select the “SEL/Status Check” tab from the left-hand menu 
  2. The “Active” checkbox allows this feature to be used.
  3. The “Add New Status” button allows admin to create additional SEL/Status check options.
  4. Use the order arrows to change the display order of the SEL/Status Checks.
  5. Use the “Active” column to turn on or off specific SEL/Status checks.
  6. Use the text fields to edit existing SEL/Status Checks.
  7. The risk dropdowns must be selected to determine the risk level of each status.
  8. Use the color and emoji dropdowns to choose the look of each status.
  9. The SEL/Status Guide can be printed and shared with other staff members.
  10. Make sure to select the “Save” button to confirm any changes.
SEL/Status Check Settings

Student Self SEL/Status Check

Admins have the ability to turn on the student self SEL/Status Check so that student can submit their own status from the student portal or student app. Notifications can also be sent to all staff or selected staff when high risk checks are submitted.

  1. Activate The student self SEL/Status check by selecting the checkbox.
  2. Decide how many SEL/Status checks a student can submit per day. (This number does not apply to SEL/Status Checks submitted by staff members.)
  3. Determine the how often students can submit an SEL/Status Check. (This time frame does not apply to SEL/Status Checks submitted by staff members.)
  4. Set the hours when Self Check will be available. Select “Always Open” or select custom hours.
  5. Customize and view the text that will appear on the button for student portal and student app.


  1. If “All Staff” is selected a new tab will appear on the left side menu that will display students that are in high risk status based on the students that the staff member has in a group/class.
  2. If “SEL/Status Check Staff” is selected then the staff members that are added with the “Add Staff” button will see all students that are in high risk status and will receive an email notification when a student has been put in high risk. App notifications are also sent if either checkbox is selected.
  3. Add SEL/Status Check Staff members that will receive notifications when a student has been put in high risk and have access to SEL/Status Check reports from the SEL/Status Check tab of the main menu.
  4. Designate one SEL/Status Check Staff member as the SEL/Status Check Team Lead, who then have access to this SEL/Status Check settings page.
  5. Select the “Save” button to finalize any changes.
Student Self SEL/Status Check

De-escalation Strategies

  1. Select the checkbox to display the de-escalation strategies to students who self check in a medium or high risk status.
  2. Customize the text that will appear above the de-escalation strategies on the student portal/app.
  3. Add additional strategies with the “Add Strategy” button. (Maximum of 5 strategies)
  4. Use the “Edit” button to customize and view the strategy.
  5. Upload a picture, edit the header, or change the directions text.
  6. Select the “Save” button to finalize any changes.
SEL/Status Check De-escalation Strategies


We have put together some resources to help you customize your SEL/Status Check feature.

Scoring Guide Templates

Need some help with age-appropriate SEL/Status Check designations? We have put together some SEL/Status Check templates that can be used at various school levels. As an admin, you can customize your SEL/Status Check settings from the Settings menu under the “SEL/Status Check” tab.

Elementary example – PDF

Middle School Example – PDF

High School Example – PDF

De-escalation Posters

SEL/Status Check Poster – Stressed – PDF

SEL/Status Check Poster – Anger – PDF

Blank SEL/Status Check Template – Word Doc

De-escalation Images

Talk to an Adult
Talk to an Adult
4 Square Breathing
4 Square Breathing
Wall Pushes
Wall Pushes
Counting Backwards
Counting Backwards
Calming Activity
Calming Activity
Body Tense and Release
Body Tense and Release

Article: How It Works – SEL/Status Check

Article: How It Works – SEL/Status Check

Feeling Overwhelmed Video

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with knowing exactly where to start with PBIS Rewards? Well, have no fear. Have less stress and more success by focusing on logging in, rewarding, and one method of redeeming with PBIS Rewards.