
icon for How do I add a grade level to reports? How do I add a grade level to reports?

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  4. How do I add a grade level to reports?

A PBIS Rewards Admin will set the grade levels using PBIS Rewards during initial set-up. If a grade level was not selected during launch or a new grade level has been added to your PBIS initiative since then, the grade level will need to be added in “School Information.” Select “Settings” from the bottom of the left-side main menu to reach “School Information.”

  1. “School Information” will be displayed.
  2. Select the drop-down labeled “Grades” and check the appropriate grade levels.
  3. Save the change.

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Feeling Overwhelmed?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with knowing exactly where to start with PBIS Rewards? Well, have no fear. Have less stress and more success by focusing on logging in, rewarding, and one method of redeeming with PBIS Rewards.