The following is a list of updates for releases 3.0 through 3.6. (Aug. 2016 – July 2017)
- Schools can now to customize name for points
- Added ethnicity field for students
- Redesigned the student search page
- Added search function to list of groups on ‘My Groups’ page
- Added auto groups for each grade
- Added the ability to mark groups as favorites
- Added an undo button for giving point in a group
- Added ability to give any amount to the ‘My Groups’ page
- Added ability to print all group codes
- Added a new auto group for staff members when teacher rewards is turned on
- Added the ability for a school to turn on allowing students to earn interest on points saved
- Added the ability for a school to turn on allowing students to set goals for store items
- Changed the menu layout to be more condensed
- Added popup submenus
- Added password strength scoring
- Added ‘Save and Redeem’ feature to the store
- Added the ability for a school to allow teacher to receive points and rewards
- Changed the staff search/edit screen layout
- Added permissions as a separate popup
- Added ‘Super Savers’ report for students that maintain a point balance
- Added a ‘Goal Progress’ report for students that have a goal set
- Added a report showing students that do not yet have a goal set
- Added a report showing goals that students have set
- Added the ability to have a sponsored by message added to the staff app
- Added ‘Save and Redeem’
- Added ‘Goal Checking’
- Added ‘Daily Point Goal’ to main screen
- Added ability to send email when submitting a referral
- Added the ability for multiple users to use the same device or one user to use it for different schools
- Fixed balance adjustment bug on student search page
- Fixed issue with buying an item if the student has the exact points required
- Fixed grades not showing for events
- Fixed issue with store items names not allowing special characters
- Added a new report: The Staff Report Generator
- End of the Year Reports (These reports will begin showing up on the School Info page
- for schools that had the program last year. They will show up at the end of each year to help review the previous years data.)
- Added help icons to the onboarding form to explain each section.
- Staff and Student imports will be verified before import and the school will receive an email once they are imported.
- Added a Spanish parent letter for the parent app (Can be printed from the Printing Options page or the My Groups page)
- Added a business card printing option for badges (On the Printing Options page and on the My Groups page)
- Added group totals to the top of the My Groups page
- Fixed calculations on the Student Generator Report
- Fixed calculations on the Staff Generator Report
- Added Referral Dashboard for Advanced Referral System
- Reports for the whole school and by grade
- Points/Referrals Report
- Points/Referrals by grade Report
- Time/Day Referrals Report
- Referral Location Report
- Gender Report
- Ethnicity Report
- Problem Behavior Report
- Redirections Report
- Possible Motivations Report
- Referrals CSV Export
- End of the Year Reports – Added Data from last year for those schools who had PBIS Rewards last year.
- Added Events to the Student Portal page
- Moved the Sign Out button for Student Portal to top
- Added group totals to MyGroups page in a gray bubble
- Added instructions to the print page
- HTML Format emails
- Fixed formatting on the search popup on the MyGroups page
- Fixed an issue with importing staff and students for mac users
- Added an export button for chart reports
- Rearranged the reports menu to add store reports
- Added Teacher Groups for Teacher Rewards
- When adding a new staff member you can now send them an email to set up their account password.
- Renamed “My Groups” card to “Groups”
- Completed Email now includes login information
- Fixed an issue with timestamps on the referral dashboard
- Fixed a couple issues with the print referral
- If an event is set for a grading period must now choose a grading period
- Fixed a print issue with the group roster print PDF (6×4)
- Fixed an issue preventing Daily Point Goals from being saved due to an error message
- Fixed an issue where the staff store was generating the same number for each new item